It seems there’s no end to the Facebook phishing attacks and scam. Today I received an email notification from a friend of mine on Facebook which said “Check” seems like there’s another attack underway.
Most tech savvy users: I’m receiving Facebook mails with links to “.be” sites which are obviously nefarious. The subject line of the mails is “Look at This” or “Hello”.
If you receive such a mail, DO NOT click links to the following sites:
These sites are basically scam \ phishing sites, which means they want to know \ steal your passwords.
Does Facebook care? Do they take legal actions against such scam \ phishing sites?
Yes, they do care… they don’t want their users to deleted their Facebook accounts now do they?.. Trust me! Not very long ago Facebook filed a federal complaint against “Spam King” Sanford Wallace in San Jose District Court and Facebook won and was awarded $873 million in spam case…
Go to and read about Facebook Safety tips to stay safe. You could also contact [email protected] and keep them informed about the spam \ phishing attack.
I’m scared. How do I stop it? What to do?
If you receive one of these Facebook mails, simply delete it – one of your friends is infected but not you. If you find, however, that your account is sending the mails:
– As a precaution, go to your browser settings and clear your cookies.
– Change your Facebook password
– Make sure your antivirus software is up to date and run a full system scan
– Inform your friend to do the same…