Home » OpenBook: The Facebook Status Search Engine

OpenBook: The Facebook Status Search Engine

by teamgpt
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OpenBook is created by engineers Will Moffat, Peter Burns and James Home. It is a Facebook status search engine. If you head over to the OpenBook, you will get to search everybody’s status(according to their privacy) with a particular keyword.



The results are displayed with a profile photo, linked to the user facebook profile, the time at which it was updated and the location. OpenBook uses the Facebook Search API to pull/gather public information from all over Facebook. If you want, you can consider OpenBook as one the future of Summize.com (Twitter’s public Search engine).

Here is how the search page looks:
facebook search engine

So, be carefull of what you post on your facebook status, or share with friends! Its not private anymore :)

The goal of the creators of this site is to get Facebook torestore the privacy back to its users, so that their site “cannot operate.”. In simple terms, OpenBook works on because of “Facebook’s privacy defects..”.!

[Via PCworld ]