Home » Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac [Video]

Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac [Video]

by teamgpt
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We already know about the upcoming Microsoft Office 2011. Now, Microsoft has posted a video Teaser about the new upcoming Office 2011 for Mac.

office 2011 for mac

Related: Download Office 2011 Mac Icon Set

In the video you can see the interface of Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook equipped interface ‘Ribbon’ (tape), used by Microsoft since Office 2007 for Windows. This interface allows dissolving the toolbar usual to make a much more logical and closer to the usual manipulations of users.

Here is the video:

This video we can also see that the Office suite and Messenger have been completely redesigned.

As of now, no release date for this new suite of Mac users has been revealed yet. Hopefully, it should be available before the end of this year.

Via Boy Genius report!

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