Home » Internet explorer v8.0 launched and so is Google chrome v2.0, competition for the best browser begins

Internet explorer v8.0 launched and so is Google chrome v2.0, competition for the best browser begins

by teamgpt
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A newer version of Google chrome and internet explorer are available..

Internet explorer 8

You may have noticed that day 2 at MIX was IE8 day (compared to the Silverlight 3 day one) in that the IE8 puppy launched!

This is good news in that IE 8 is better than IE 7, which is better than IE 6. Maybe, with 6 being two versions back, we have more weight to get rid of the chap. However, even though Microsoft has recently claimed that IE 8 is the fastest browser, its legacy weight still shows for now, and the other browsers are sprinting ahead. I have a sneaky suspicion that IE 9 is going to be different and a lot  for sure ( That my assumption too :) )

With Google chrome 2 beta being launched last week and now IE8, Google still seems to fight to see who’s the best :), let’s install both chrome and Internet explorer to see which rocks!

So, thanks for the better browser guys, and we can’t wait to see what happens next. Shortly we will have IE 8, Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 2, Opera 10, and others….. And the Web will have nicer cars to drive around on it :) ….
