Home » Google Webmaster Tools to have a new home page with sophisticated inputs for webmasters

Google Webmaster Tools to have a new home page with sophisticated inputs for webmasters

by teamgpt
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Google webmaster tools new

Google Webmaster Tools is changing soon, to an all new interface! – Check out the new look at https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/new/home.

What’s new? What has changed?

Google talked to webmasters, conducted user studies, analyzed a lot of data and then came up with a logically organized suite of features, and a cleaner, faster interface.

The result is simpler and is more navigation intuitive. Features are now grouped together in three categories:

Your site on the web

Where you can view Google data about your site

Site configuration

Where you provide Google with information about your site and


Where you can get reports on any problems we encountered crawling your site

If you can’t find a feature in the new interface, visit the Google Help center. Checkout a video of the all new interface of Google Webmaster Tools below.