Home » Google still stronger in China

Google still stronger in China

by teamgpt
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According the reports from Statcounter.com, yesterday google.co.hk (the Google domain for Hong Kong)  had an all time high number of page visits.

google.com.hk vs baidu

The two curves represent the growing competition between search engines – Baidu, Yahoo, Bing and Google. While search engines like yahoo, bing, ask etc stand on something above 0 to 0.3% of the traffic source, Google and Baidu stand above 45% of the traffic graph.

After the update of Google moving from China (Google.cn) to Google Hong Kong (google.com.hk) Google traffic reached an all time high which crossed the Baidu traffic.

I’m sure, no matter what happens in China, People still love Google and will find more ways to use it!

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