Home » China now blocks Google Hong Kong

China now blocks Google Hong Kong

by teamgpt
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The Chinese government started blocking content deemed offensive from the Google search for Hong Kong domain too. Google Hong Kong is the place where the U.S. Company is redirecting traffic from the Google China domain (Google.cn) from late afternoon, yesterday.

google china

According to the New York Times, Chinese users faced the great firewall of china while navigating through the search engine since; often results with certain results were blocked.

We hear from close sources that the authorities in China are angry with trying to circumvent Google’s censorship requests to transfer the domain. “Ch” for “. Hk”.

In the morning, an official at the Information Office of the State Council of China said publicly that Google had violated a “promise in writing” and is “completely wrong” to put an end to censorship of the Chinese pages. The Chinese envoy also hinted that there will be a greater return against Google, which should entertain the competition for online searches in the country.

According to Google, the decision to redirect the traffic was the brainchild of American executives, without any influence of the United States government.

David Drummond, senior vice president of Google, said yesterday that part of the operations research and development company in China will continue to maintain a presence marketable in the country.

Via – New york Times