Home » Alexa or Not?

Alexa or Not?

by teamgpt
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That’s the question every new blogger thinks about. If you ask me why Alexa Rankings? its simply because of the Money and Search Engine listings.

* Advertisers who want to advertise on your site look at Alexa ranking before bidding for the CPC rate Ads. Lower the ranking, more advertisers would flock to advertise on your site.

* Thinking about search engine listing, if your blog has a <200k ranking on Alexa, then there are chances of the articles\posts showing on the 3-4th pages of search engines. However, if your blog ranks <50k on Alexa the chances of content getting shared on search engines would have a +90% chance in the search listing :)…


Alexa Rank is a ranking or position analysis system made to know the number or visitors on the blog. Sites are Ranked \ positioned depending on the number of visits the site receives.

There’s 2 types of Alexa ranks:
Global Ranking
Country Ranking

Alexa Rank varies with Google Page Rank. Smaller the Alexa Rank of a blog, the better. Concentrate on getting a Good Alexa ranking for better Money and Search engine listing. So the final answer is, YES!

I’ve written a detailed post on Alexa tips and tricks on Techmypassion.com a 100% Revenue sharing blog!

Share your opinions about Alexa. what’s your site stats on Alexa?

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