Home » The Knol for Dummies.com contest open through March 23rd

The Knol for Dummies.com contest open through March 23rd

by teamgpt
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Knol - Share what you know and dummies.com

Dummies.com is known for simple, concise how-to content. Knol is one of the easiest and most powerful tools for sharing knowledge online. Now we’ve teamed up to give you the chance to write a how-to article about something you’re particularly good at – and just maybe become famous (and even a little bit richer) in the process.

To enter the contest, simply click the button and begin creating your own how-to knol about whatever subject you know best.

If you need help or inspiration, you can browse other submissions, check out these great knols on buttermilk pancakes and backpacking, or take a look at any of the excellent content on Dummies.com. Google has even created a “How-to” template to get you started.

Check back often to see all the ideas, and good luck writing your own knol. I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with. :) .

To enter Knol and dummies.com contest go here and “One grand prize winner will receive a cash prize of $1,000″….

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