I’m an SEO specialist and the SEO strategy keeps changing all the time with new trends and it’s really hard to keep up. So, having a natural positioning strategy is essential, especially in our country where over 90% of Internet users search Google. Therefore, when creating and maintaining a website we must consider some parameters in order to appear at the top of search engines.
Here are 10 Firefox add-ons that will help us to better manage and monitor the SEO strategy for websites.
1. SEO for Firefox – http://tools.seobook.com/firefox/seo-for-firefox.html
Perhaps one of the most popular and powerful tools for natural positioning for this browser. This plugin allows you to get marketing data, searches of various statistics and web rankings like Alexa, Technorati …
2. SeoQuake – http://seoquake.com/
This integrated program for Firefox lets you view real-time results of various search engines.
3. SEO Link Analysis – http://yoast.com/tools/seo/link-analysis/
This plugin enhances the data that can give you the Google Page Rank and link information for Yahoo, for example.
4. Rank Checker – http://tools.seobook.com/firefox/rank-checker/
This extension allows you to analyze data from Google, Yahoo! and MSN. Furthermore, data can be stored on your computer to display to other users.
5. RankQuest SEO Toolbar – http://www.rankquest.com/download-toolbar.html
This bar goes straight to 30 SEO tools such as application validation, metatags and search engines, among other options.
6. HTML Validator – https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/249
Perhaps this is more interesting complement to web developers and programmers since it examines the website for possible errors that may hinder the search to the “spiders” of search engines.
7. SEO Open – http://seopen.com/firefox-extension/index.php
For the uninitiated in this area, SEO Open offers basic tools to get into the subject. The tool allows you to have a bar or open in a portion of the window.
8. Google Global Firefox Extension – http://www.redflymarketing.com/blog/google-global-view-results-different-locations/
This handy tool both for SEO and SEM can see where we are among the millions of Google search results. You can access both the menu bar like.
9. Socialphile – http://socialphile.com/
We must not take account of social communities in our SEO analysis. To do this, this plug allows you to browse the links at the moment, only to Digg. However, the tool is being expanded.
10. KGen – http://kgen.elitwork.com/
If you want to take control of keywords, this tool will be useful. The supplement discusses the terms that stand out in any website.
These are the sites that I mostly use for analysis of sites and to know about the recent SEO analysis changes around the SEO world. Do you know or use any other tools? Post your comments below and share your thoughts!