Home » Bangalore: Find out if your vehicle has any registered Traffic Violations

Bangalore: Find out if your vehicle has any registered Traffic Violations

by teamgpt
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bangalore traffic police

The Bangalore city traffic police have started a new service where you can check if your vehicle has been registered for any traffic violations.

Usually when you break a traffic rule and get caught, the cops give a printed ticket\invoice from their brand new Blackberry which comes with a Bluetooth printer. Here’s how you can find out if you’re vehicle has been registered for any traffic violations:

  1. Go to www.bangaloretrafficpolice.gov.in/BPSFineDetails/BPSFineDetails.aspx
  2. Enter your vehicle number (e.g. KA05-MF-4144)
  3. If you been caught before and been given a ticket you should see your name :)

This service is also very useful if you’re planning on buying an old\used vehicle… make sure you check if there are any registered complaints and be sure if it has a clean chit from the Bangalore traffic police..