Home » Google Doodle: 30th Anniversary of Pacman Game

Google Doodle: 30th Anniversary of Pacman Game

by teamgpt
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Another awesome Doodle on the Google’s homepage. This is the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man game. This is not a typical picture, but a script with which we can play the pacman game on the Google Homepage! When you hit Google.com, the logo appears as an image but the game is playable.

The game is activated automatically or if you don’t want to wait simply click on “Insert Coin” button which replaced classic “I’m Feeling Lucky.”

google pacman doodle

Google celebrating the 30th anniversary of the classic game , which is active today and tomorrow.

The doodle aims to recreate the original game, including the original bug, according to the designer / developer Marcin Wichary:

The doodler Germick Ryan says, I made sure to include the original game appearence, graphics and sound, with individual personalities of the ghosts, and even bugs from the original 1980 masterpiece.

Google has included 255 playable levels as happened with the original pacman game. Here is a simple video on how this doodle works.